Back on Track
I Started yesterday

I told you last week that I have not been fasting much for the past months, and that I was ready to get back on track. Well, I’m doing it now!
In fact, as I write this (and will publish it within 30 minutes from now) I have just completed day 1 of my fast. The last time I ate was 6 PM yesterday, Tuesday. It is currently 8:45 PM on Wednesday night, so I am nearly 27 hours in and I’m feeling great.
It feels so good to be back into fasting after an absence.
Four Months with little Fasting
Starting around November 1st, 2018, I have not done much fasting. I have done a few short fasts of up to 3 days, but my body had grown used to doing a lot of 10-day fasts, and I feel that is what I need.
I will say, I have done Intermittent Fasting continuously. Most days I eat only one meal a day (OMAD). Sometimes I eat two meals, and sometimes even 3 meals per day. But, the majority of the time I do OMAD. But, I want to string together at least a week, and more likely 10-days with no meals. So, I am aiming for that.
Want to join me?
When I published my article last week, a lot of people told me that they want to join me with some fasting. Hey, no reason that you have to do 10-days or any certain number of days. Even if you just want to do Intermittent Fasting that is fine too. But, if you want to join me in doing whatever kind of fasting works for you, I’ll be here to support you. You can email me, message me, or whatever works for you. I am not a doctor, but I am an experienced faster, and I would be happy to offer whatever help I can. Just let me know.
If you want to join, leave a comment below, or on the Facebook post about this article, and we’ll establish communication!
What can you consume during Fasting?

Well, that is up to you. For me, here is what I will consume:
- Water
- Coffee (usually black with a touch of Stevia, but sometimes with a bit of heavy whipping cream if I want or need it)
- Bulletproof Coffee in extreme circumstances where I feel I am about to break my fast.
There are many kinds of fasts, though. Egg fasts are popular, where you allow yourself to consume eggs. I am not going to do that, but if you want to, that’s fine! We are all adults (children should not fast, in my opinion) and we all get to decide what is best for us, and what we are able to do.
Ketogenic Foods
If you feel that you must consume some kind of solid food during your fast, I recommend strongly that you stick with ketogenic-friendly foods.
A Ketogenic food plan would be big on fats, moderate on protein and very low carb. While fasting, I recommend that you don’t consume any carbs at all, and as little protein as possible. If you must consume something to keep going, try to do fat (that is why I am reserving the possibility that I will consume bulletproof coffee if it is necessary).
Let’s do it!
Hi Bob,
I’m in! I have just learned about Fasting and at 200 lbs need to loose 70 lbs to get to my goal weight. I am 62 years old. My blood pressure has been high and I refuse to take meds for it because they make me feel terrible. My bad cholesterol is high but my good cholesterol is higher there by negating the high (from what the dr said). Diabetes runs in my family but my blood sugar has just been below the worry marker. I know I need to make this change for my health and my husbands health. He is 65 years old, 220 lbs and 50 lbs above his goal weigh. He has been on cholesterol meds but now is taking red rice yeast. Diabetes also runs in his family and he is borderline pre-diabetic. Alzheimer’s also runs in his family so I want to stop that cold in it’s tracks. So we are on the Fasting train together!
I read in Dr. Fung’s book that you can take chia seeds soaked in water. How will this affect autophagy?
Hi Julia,
Glad to hear that you are joining me! Congratulations.
You can do it, I know. I have gone from 430 lb, and I am a little over 200 lb now.
I would recommend skipping the rice altogether.
Dr. Fung is a great man! I follow him very closely. He is the expert when it comes to fasting, at least I think he is.
I have not tried chia seeds, but if Dr. Fung says that it is OK, I agree. Autophagy is still a very young science, we don’t know enough yet, so I can’t really say how it will affect autophagy. But, for me, do what you can in fasting as best as you can. If you need chia seeds, then go for it! You may find that the furhter you get into fasting, you won’t need them anymore.
Congratulations again on your decision to get into fasting!