Day 3 of my Beef, Pork, & Butter experiment has come and gone. The results are in.
My video below tells the story.
In short, I lost 8/10 of a pound (0.8 lb). I was hoping for a full pound loss, but still nothing wrong with 0.8 lb. That is still a respectable loss.
The great thing is that over the term of the experiment, so far, I have gained 3 lb of lean body mass (muscle).
I feel that tomorrow, Day 4 (out of 5) I will continue losing weight and gaining muscle. If that is true, the results will continue to look good!
My plan is to go 5 days on this Beef, Pork, & Butter experiment and see how that goes. After that, I will eat “normally” (keto) for 1 day, then I will go into either a 6 day or 10 days fast with no food at all during that time.
On day 6 of the experiment, which will have already ended by then, I am going to share my thoughts about the entire process, my feelings about success. I can already tell you that there are things that I do not like about this experiment and I will explain that on Day 6.
Tune in again tomorrow for Day 4 results!