I saw a video yesterday that I really liked and felt that the information in the video was very important, so I decided to share it here.
I believe that if you have heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol or any related diseases, this video could save your life. I barely survived heart disease, and am in good shape now.
The things talked about in the video are exactly what I am doing, and these are things that have turned my health around. These things are controversial, but they worked well for me. I know a lot of other people who have also experienced such success.
Watch the video and see what you think.
Now, I know a lot of people will think this stuff is crazy. I used to think that, but after I went through my heart problem, I decided that I would try it, I felt that I had nothing to lose. I was about to lose my life, so what else could I lose beyond that. By completely changing course in my diet and lifestyle, it may save my life. Doing it the way I had been taught nearly took my life. Things have turned around for me since I changed to what is talked about in the video.
Hey, maybe I will die in the near future from heart disease, who knows? But, I don’t see that happening. My heart tests all come back very good, which certainly was not the case before. If I keel over and die from heart disease in a few years, I would say not to do this. But, based on my own evidence today, I think anybody who is sick would be crazy not to make the change! What do you have to lose?
Thanks Bob.
Did you watch this one already: https://youtu.be/t1b08X-GvRs
Kind regards,
Thank you for sharing that video, Maurice. I just watched it… very interesting! I will be sharing it here next week.