Fasting is pretty much an individual thing. Some people do IF (Intermittent Fasting) where they eat pretty much certain hours of every day. Others, like me, prefer to do EF (Extended Fasting ) where they fast for a multiple of days at a time.
I started out by doing IF for about a month, then I decided to try EF. My first extended fast was for 10 days during mid-March of 2017. I enjoyed it and have been doing EF ever since then on a very regular interval. During that time, I have done a number of 10-day fasts, a 15 day fast and a 20 day fast. In recent months, though, my go-to protocol has been for 6 days of fasting per week. I start fasting on Saturday evening at 6 PM and fast until the following Friday at 6 PM, then have a 24-hour eating window. During that 24-hour eating window, I will eat 1 or 2 meals most of the time.
A recent 6 Day fast
A while back, I kept notes while doing a 6-Day fast, and I wanted to go back and review my notes and share my feelings and results with you today. I hope you find the information useful and helpful to you on your fasting journey.
Day 1
Day 1 started on Saturday night after dinner, just a little after 6 PM. I had not weighed myself for a few days, but I always weigh myself during fasting, and my Sunday Morning weight is what I consider as my “start of the fast” weight for my records. So, when I got up on Sunday morning, about 5 AM, my weight was 235.4.
During a longer fast, I always do a lot of exercise on the first 3 days or so of the fast. This is important to me because the body produces a lot of extra Growth Hormone while fasting. I have seen medical people say that the growth hormones is about 1000% of normal while fasting. Working out on the early days of the fast is best for me because my electrolytes are in good balance coming off of a day of feasting, and I don’t experience any issues like dizziness or anything, which can happen later if I have not been taking good care of my electrolytes.
So, for Day 1, I walked for 6 miles. I did my walking in the late afternoon after things cooled down. It can get pretty hot outside any time of there year here in the Philippines where I live.
I felt good today, no dizziness, no real problems at all. During Day 1 of a fast, I do get a little hungry, but it is very manageable, and that was the case this time as well.
Day 2
When I woke up, I weighed in on my Tanita Body Composition Monitor. I noticed that my Lean Muscle weight had increased by about 1.5 pounds, my visceral fat was down by a half pound, and my Fat % was down by .3%, so all was good. My weight was 232.2. On this first “day after fasting” weigh in, I always lose at least 3 lb, and sometimes more. Water is being shed for the most part, but certainly, there is some fat loss in there too.
For today’s exercise, I did weightlifting, working on my upper body. I did work on my biceps, triceps, and shoulder muscles. I have particularly been wanting to build my triceps because I have some loose skin hanging on my arms. My biceps have built up a lot in the past few months, but my triceps needed more work. I have noticed that the loose skin on my arms is starting to decrease because my muscles are growing. I would say the loose skin has decreased by about 50%. I would say this is a combination of autophagy and also increases in muscle size that is responsible for the change.
Day 2 of a fast is probably the biggest day of hunger, but to be honest, it is not too hard for me any longer, although it used to be. I did have a bit of hunger today, but when I get hungry I stop and think about it. When I do, I almost always realize that it is not real hunger, it is my mind trying to play tricks on me.
No electrolyte issues on Day 2, as expected.
Day 3
Day 2 is done, and I am on to Day 3! Almost halfway there to my goal of a successful 6 Day fast. Feeling great.
My morning weigh-in was a bit late this morning compared to usual, I weighed in at 5:30 AM this morning. This morning I was down another 3 lb, weighing in at 229.2. Exactly 3 lb lost. I am sure more water was leaving my body today, but a lot of fat too, I think!
Today, for exercise, I did a group of exercises that are designed to strengthen your body core, and are specifically designed for obese people. I found this guy on YouTube a couple months back and have been following his routine. At first, it was difficult, but now I am getting used to it, and am much stronger and able to do these exercises better.
Here is the YouTube Video of the Body Core workout for Obese people:
What do you guys think? These have been doing great for me, and I encourage you to check it out.
No hunger issues at all for Day 3.
Feeling great for Day 3! No electrolyte issues at all. In addition to the core body workout, I also walked 2 miles today and enjoyed it a lot. Did the walk with my son today.
Come back tomorrow
Tomorrow I will cover days 4, 5, and 6. That will take me to the end of the 6 Day fast. I hope you will come back and visit.
I started a fast a couple of weeks ago, and this is embarrassing, but I got a bad case of diarrhea on the third day. I had to stop the fast and eat some rice ( glue). Is this unusual?
That used to happen to me too, but I have not had the problem for a few months. In my opinion, rice is one of the worst food choices you could make, it is pure carbs. Better to eat something high fat or protein.
I am no doctor, but I believe that while fasting your body flushes out a lot of toxins, and that could be the cause in my view.
That used to happen to me too, but I have not had the problem for a few months. In my opinion, rice is one of the worst food choices you could make, it is pure carbs. Better to eat something high fat or protein.
I am no doctor, but I believe that while fasting your body flushes out a lot of toxins, and that could be the cause in my view.
Bob Martin yes, rice is pure carbs. But it does help clog your pipes. That and gummy white bread.
Very informative Bob, thanks again. When you reach your desired weight/goal, do you plan on EF or IF to maintain?
Hi jeff last week i published the post exactly about what you are asking me. If you go back to the site and look for an article called my maintenance plans i’m sure you will find everything you’re looking for.
Thanks brother!
Hi Bob, I have a question, you do a 6 day fast with 24 hour window for eating, and you eat 1 or2 meals with in that time, I dont understand how with in those 2 meals that you can consume enough essential nutrients , I am not insulting you in asking this, I am very impressed with your results, I am trying to understand if eating this way over a long period can be depriving our bodies from nutrients that we wont get because we are eating less amounts of food. I have read Dr. Fungs books but still cant find the answer. Thank you for any info you can provide for me. You are very inspiring
I fast for 6 days with no eating. Then i have a 24 hour eating window on day 7. During day 7 i eat either one meal or two meals. My body gets all of the nutrients it needs from my stored fat.
So those nutrients that we would get in our healthy foods are also stored in our fat? Thats what I am trying to understand. Like , is vit a, b, c, k…. lol all of those are stored there as well for our bodies to use?
I am not a doctor, but I know that what I am doing has been very healthy for my body. Many things have cured themselves through fasting. My doctor monitors my fasting and is fully on board.
Bob Martin very cool!!! Thanks for helping me understandðððð and good luck with your adventures !!!
You are going to succeed because you are planning your future. Not just losing the weight and then flailing.