Hi Folks! Thank you for visiting my new site.
This site is more of a labor of love. Something that I want to do. Something that will help others while also helping myself!
How will it help myself?
Well, if you are writing about health, your journey toward fitness and such, you kind of have to keep focusing on the lifestyle. If you are not doing healthy things, how can you write about them in an honest way?
Of course, none of us are perfect. We all slip up from time to time, and I know that I will too. But, it is all about living in a healthy way most of the time! Moving in the direction of health. If you go off of your path and stay off of it, well, it won’t be long and your website about living healthy will fall by the wayside as well, and you will fail in more ways than one.
I don’t intend to do that! As far as living healthy, I know that I can keep it up, because I have maintained this lifestyle for almost 3 years now, with very little in the way of slip-ups. I have taken corrective action to make my health better. I am eating a diet that is healthy for me. My diabetes is in excellent control by eating an LCHF diet, and I will explain more about that in future posts. Let’s just say that my doctors are shocked at how good my blood sugar control is now.
How will it help others?
Well, I hope that some others who are on the same path that I followed over most of my life will be inspired to make a change!
Michael Heavrin
Eating healthy is always a struggle. I once weighed 300lb. I lost and went down to 180. of course I have since gained some of that back. Like I said, Its a constant struggle, and I wish you success
Hi Michael – I have really experienced great success with an LCHF diet (Low Carbs, High Fat) for nearly a year now. It does not sound like it would work, but it does. It has been particularly successful in keeping my diabetes in very good control, and I’ve also lost about 40 pounds by changing my eating habits.
Good luck to you!
That is a lot of weight to lose. I look forward to hearing how you did it.
Hi Tim – My weight loss journey has been over about 17 years now. I was 430 pounds in 1999 or so, and am at about 280 now, hope to lose some more. I have been pretty much at the same or similar weight for several years now, so I want to re-commit myself to more loss!
Thanks for visiting!
I keep yoyoing between 190 and 230 it seems. 190 last Christmas (05), 230 this past Thanksgiving and on a down trend now to 215. Want to get back to my army weight of 175. Plenty of running and cycling helps…especially the running. And a diet that is not see-food in nature. I still eat all the bad stuff…just not every morsel of it in the house that I can find!
Hi Pete – Nice to hear from you, I hope you are doing well.
We all eat things that may not be the best.. but moderation is the key! If you try to cut out completely something that you love, you will probably end up overdoing it when you finally give in to your urge! 🙂
Good luck, I hope that your journey is a success.
Here’s to your continuuing success too, Bob!
Thank you, Pete! I keep chugging away!
I stumbled across California based Dr. Amy Lee recently and she subscribes to the low carb, high fat— but the “good” fats. I sure like my pasta and bread though. I am on her probiotic/stomach enzyme/green tea extract supplement. With a renewed focus on exercise this month I’m not sure if it’s helped, but I know it’s not hurt…and she is a pretty smart and cool MD. Now as far as their marketing practice–yeah that is usual watch how ye navigate purchase procedure. I made it out ok with ONLY what I wanted but all these sites are “tricky” no matter how seemingly ethical the “principal” spokesman/owner might be.
Hi Pete – Yeah, I have also known about Dr. Amy Lee. I have been lucky… although I still want some bread or pasta from time to time, I have pretty much given it up and not looking back. There are ways to make “breads” out of things that are low carb though.. using things like almond or coconut flour! Not exactly the same as using wheat flour, but you get used to it.
Cool—yeah my wife made some sort of dish not long ago that subbed something for the flour base–and was pretty good!
You will find that it gets better after a few tries. I have come to really enjoy things made with coconut flour. I have been having some waffles in the morning that are coconut flour based… you just gotta be careful what you put on them, though! Almost ZERO carbs, though!
20 days after you got to 280 I am there too. Hopefully we can both continure to go down down down as the JC song says, but of course not into the burning ring of fire.
Bob - Expat Answer Man
That is great, Loren! Let’s continue the journey together! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f05467516ef19dd9c250014ccddd01e48505d87e9e6666a3ff653f8b98380579.jpg