If you have Type 2 Diabetes, or even just have an interest in the disease, or if you have a feeling that big pharma is only out to make money instead of trying to improve our health, you absolutely must read this article, written by Dr. Jason Fung. Anybody who reads this website even from time to time knows that I am a big fan of Dr. Fung, and he sure is spot on with his evaluation of diabetes, obesity and big pharma in this article!
I have never been the type to believe the conspiracy theories that big pharma was out to get us, or that doctors are evil and only want to make money. However, I am starting to swing my opinion in that direction. I do believe that most doctors truly want to help cure us, but have been taught things that are not so helpful. They are not necessarily out to make money only, but their ignorance, promoted by big pharma, has led them down this road.
When I first started following Dr. Fung, I heard him often point out that through his methods of treating diabetes (mostly a low carb diet and fasting), there is no money to be made. As I thought that over, I realized that he was absolutely correct. If the doctor tells somebody to eat low carb and to go for periods without eating at all, the patients either don’t need medication or need way less of it. Because of this, where is the money to be made from? Yes, the doctor will make some money from the office visit, but compared to the thousands of dollars of potential from selling insulin and oral medication. Heck, the doctor doesn’t even have to sell it, just by prescribing it he will get plenty of benefits from the big Pharma companies.
As Dr. Fung points out in his article, though, the insulin and the oral medications are not improving diabetes, they are only masking it. Those drugs don’t treat the disease, they treat the symptoms.. in other words, they take the sugar out of your blood, but only move it to other parts of the body, which is just as toxic as when it is in the blood, just not something that can be seen with the tests that are used today.
Anyway, I just feel that this is a great article, and I encourage you to check it out. Also, follow Dr.Fung in other places too. You can find him on the Diet Doctor Website, and also check out some of his videos on YouTube.
Fasting seems better than meds. Not easier though!
It is actually quite easy! And, I agree, it works better than the meds. I am off most of the medication I was taking now!
Being that I am Type 2 I will read this for sure…It’s also time for me to look into this Ketogenic Diet info. My Glucose levels have been running a bit high lately due to my being stupid about what I’ve been eating lately…Damn Rice & French Fries – 2 big weaknesses of mine – But I KNOW better so it’s time to crack down here.
If you do Keto, and especially if you work in a little fasting, Michael, you can totally reverse the Type 2 diabetes! Good luck.
Thank you Bob – I want to incorporate fasting into my daily routine.
I find the fasting quite enjoyable, I hope you will find it so too! Good luck to you, my friend!
Thank you Bob. Do you drink alot of water when you fast? In the past I have done 24hr fasting & saw that my Glucose level really dropped to a good healthy range. Between diet,exercise & fasting I need to crack down…I saw what Diabetes did to my grandparents & my dad….it cost them dearly not paying enough attention to it – ultimately,their lives…those past generations didn’t really know the extent,there wasn’t alot of info out there back then. Today,there’s no excuse if we ignore it….My doctor back in Arizona specialized in Diabetes & he put it bluntly to me about 5yrs ago…”If you ignore your diabetes,you are only hurting yourself – you are committing slow suicide”….THAT was an eye-opener for sure. Thanks again Bob.
I don’t know if I would say I drink a LOT, but I do drink whatever my body tells me it wants. If I am thirsty, I drink water until I am not thirsty any longer. I think you can see some huge improvements health-wise when you give it a try! LIke you, my dad had diabetes, and basically that is what caused his death. He had a heart attack, but diabetes is the leading cause for heart attack. That is why I got really serious after my heart problems last year!
Wow ð Fasting does work, can you explain to me what Keto is?
Keto is short for a Ketogenic diet. That is a diet of high fat, moderate protein and low carbs. You can find lots of information about it here http://dietdoctor.com
Thank you very much for the info Bob, I will look into it now.
Good luck! This has worked wonders for me!
Spot on Bob. Agree I do. We all need to eat better or diet to reverse the condition, so we don’t need to support big Pharma. I bet that is true for blood pressure meds too and many other drugs.
Hi Terry, the funny thing is that the things that doctors recommend that we eat if diabetic are the exact opposite of what we really should eat to control diabetes. It’s actually a high-fat, moderate protein diet that totally controls diabetes. If you look at the food pyramid though, they recommended we mostly eat grains, which absolutely puts diabetes out of control. I was so shocked when I learned this.