Back when I had a heart attack in June 2016, my doctors put me on a Statin. The name of the Statin they put me on is Crestor.
I was confused as to why I was put on a Statin because the purpose of a Statin is to lower and control Cholesterol. Well, in my entire life I have never had high cholesterol, so this made me wonder why.
I questioned two of my doctors about this. The doctors I asked were my cardiologist and my internist.
My Internist basically said “Well, you had a heart attack. People who have heart attacks should take a statin.” I don’t recall the exact words, but that is the gist of what he said. I did not consider that to be a very good answer. I mean, it should be “well, because you have this specific problem, the statin will do x, y, and z to counter that problem.” But, nothing like that, just a very general answer that did not really make sense. He even said that high cholesterol did not cause my heart attack (because my cholesterol was low), but that diabetes caused it, because of the many years that I had diabetes.
When I asked my cardiologist, his answer was more specific, but I still did not consider it a good answer. I told him that my total cholesterol was below 140, which is the low end of the normal range for cholesterol. He said immediately… oh, but you are diabetic. If you have diabetes, you should be around half of the normal, so around 70 for your total cholesterol. Well, I had never heard of such a thing before, but hey, I am not a doctor, I have no medical training, so I did not question it. I just took the statin as instructed.
Over the months, I still questioned, in my mind, why I needed a statin, but I decided that is what the doctors said I should take, so I took it. I have been on a crusade to improve my health to the point where I can eliminate medications that I was taking. I have been very successful so far. I went from taking 9 different medications, plus Insulin (not a medication, a hormone). Today, I take only 2 medications, and one of those is only a half dose.
Why I Quit Statins
About a month ago, I read an article about the reasons why statins are not good for you. Statins have many side effects, and at best, they only reduce heart attack risk by a very small percentage (as I recall, it is like a 1% reduction in risk). One of the downsides of statins that I read in this article was that statins make it hard for your body to go into Ketosis. Ketosis means that your body has shifted from burning carbohydrates (sugars) for its fuel and instead is burning fat. Hmmm… I do a ketogenic diet, along with fasting, as an effort to stay in ketosis all of the time. I want my body burning fat, and I don’t even eat carbs anymore, except a very small amount of carbs in vegetables. If statins were making it hard for my body to shift to ketosis, that was directly against the goal that I was striving for!
So, that very day, after reading the article, I decided to stop using the statin. My diabetes was already gone, and the only real reason I had been given for needing a statin was that although my cholesterol was low, it should be even lower because I was diabetic. Well, since I was no longer diabetic, why would I need a statin? I quit immediately.
I had been on a plateau and not losing weight for some time up until that point. Within days, though, I started losing significant weight again!
Bye, bye statins. Frankly, I don’t miss you.
On point. Adapting a different (I won’t say better) lifestyle makes all the difference. But, to each their own. Too many people blindly follow a doctor’s advice, and simply don’t invest in themselves as far as health.
I agree, I have taken the strategy now that my doctors are there to advise me, but it is up to me to make the final decision about what is right.
Got prescribed, said no, made some changes, now not needed. Problem solved. I’m 53 and have no prescriptions. I might miss the second round of diaper years but I’m ok with that.
Ha ha.. missing the second round of diaper years can be a good or bad thing. If you miss it because you’re so healthy that is great. If you miss those years because you die before you get there, that would not be so great! 🙂
I’m good either way.
LOL… your main thing then is to avoid the diapers at any cost!
i have been on statins for 18 months or so now due to high cholesterol i had a reading of 3.14 of the bad cholesterol and 4.43 overall…started on 40 mg which was reduced to 20 mg after 6 months and now on 10 mg dosages….my tests have said i have improved 60% on my bad cholesterol and improved overall i believe i am going on to 5 mg next month and then off the medication altogether if i have maintained my improvement…so far no side effects that i noticed.
Hi David, if it’s working for you, more power. Good luck.
Hi Resh, hope you are doing well! I agree, it is quite interesting, thanks!
Hi Bob you did the right thing. Statins are a drug that cause more deaths than they do save lives and there has been many studies to support this. Just google them or check Dr Mercola’s website for statin information. Regards, Norm Cebu
Hi Norm, thanks! It sounds like you and I follow some of the same resources. Dr. Mercola has a lot of great information. Statins do have a very bad reputation.
Statin drugs are killers.
That is what a lot of people say. I am not sure if I would go that far, but I am happy to be off of them. 🙂
I quit simvastatin last week. Working with licensed herbalist. We were waiting for the doctor to take me off so we can work on detoxification of liver. Statins also deplete your CoQ10 which you need for your heart. If you are not taking it I would look into it.
I was pleasantly surprised about the weight. I hope I see some improvement in that area too.
Thanks for posting.
Thank you for sharing that, JC. It is interesting to hear from others who are also moving away from statins.
I was on it for years. I was also on a acid reflux drug for years which I found out had some serious side effects after only a couple years. Its amazing I had to bring it up to my doctor. Like you I’m cutting back on all pills. Down to singular. Someday that will be gone too.
Good luck, JC! Keep on moving in the right direction! We will both be healthier!
I did some research after I was put on this type of medication. After reading and after taking these medications and not actually feeling that well in I took myself off them. I changed my eating habits and have never felt better. I don’t like the fact that you go to the doctors to say get a script for a continuing medication and they tell you you need have 9 different tests. Umm well no thanks if my body tells me I’m sick I will come and have the tests
Anne, it sounds like you are on the right path. Good luck to you and your continued health!
Bob, I generally agree that statins are not for everyone. But, statins have one very big (and more important) benefit besides lowering cholesterol. Statins decrease inflammation of the arteries; it is inflammation, not high cholesterol, that is an immediate cause of coronary artery blockage that leads to heart attacks. Most doctors do not seem to know this. Also, as you know, diabetes increases inflammation in the arteries, but, as you say, you no longer have diabetes. But, you probably should be tested for several different markers of inflammation before deciding to give up statins. I take a low dose statin daily (10 mg of Lovastatin) a cheap ($4.50 for a three month supply), generic statin. I do also take CoQ10 as advised by Dr. Mercola.
Hi Mike – I appreciate the advice. I am doing other anti-inflammatory things and have also been tested for the various inflammation markers and am in good shape! I think I am on the right path. Thanks.
Eye opener for me Mike. Thanks a lot. I had heart attack last year
Violet, Bob is describing what works for him. There is nothing wrong with doing this, as fasting works well for him, but I continue to recommend reading the book, “Beat the Heart Attack Gene, by Bake and Doneen. It gives a very comprehensive account of what causes heart attacks and stroke, and discusses many ways to prevent such attacks. It also discusses many lab tests that can be used to develop a treatment program for your specific situation and needs. This book does not push any particular diet, exercise, medication or other treatment, but emphasizes that a program should be tailored to your situation and needs. On statins; many doctors immediately start their patients on higher doses of expensive, new, name brand statins (as my previous doctor did), and these powerful drugs often cause side effects. Mine current physician started me on a low dose of a cheap, genetic statin that lowers my cholesterol and inflammation, but does not give me any side effects, and he always works with me in deciding any treatment.
Bob, the VA put me on Crestor, Lisinopril, and a host of others. Then after a year on Crestor, they switched it to Lipitor. 2 weeks after taking Lipitor I developed Tinnitus. I’d never had that before and when I talked to my doctor and I said this started after the new statin I was taking she looked it up and found that was one of its side effect. I was put back on Crestor.
About 6 months ago my ringing came back with a vengeance. So I looked up Crestor to see if it had a side effect. Nope Tinnitus wasn’t one of them. I then looked up Lisinopril and there it was. I stopped that immediately. Within 3 weeks the tinnitus all but went away. I’m about ready to stop the Crestor too. After reading your article, I believe I’m going drop it too. I limit the type of foods that are high in cholesterol and carbs because I’m a diabetic. Since I stopped the lisinopril my blood pressure’s been perfect. So I know my current diet is working well for me. I’m sick of taking pills that cause me more problems than they solve.
That is how I feel too. If we can control things through diet and other natural means, much better than taking drugs. Of course you should not go with my word, since I am not a doctor, but it works for me. Good luck to you!
All statin brands I took gave me bad side affects, so I’ve given them up on my own decision
I also made the decision myself. Didn’t even talk to my doctors. I just don’t think it’s needed. Good luck to you.
A dangerous game to play that may or may not work in your favor. Best to seek advise from medically qualified people and then make your own decision, but be cautious, it could seriously impair your life if not end it!
Thanks for your concern Michael. While I did not discontinue the medication on the advice of MY doctor, I did get advice from multiple doctor friends. I feel it is my decision to make, and I feel I made the right decision. I do not advise anybody to do this, it is for them to decide what is right for them. Thanks again.
Bob Martin you have the right attitude and you also did plenty of research on this and then made your own decision! You did it the right way in my opinion! Bravo to you! Hope all is well,for you and your family! We are good here!
Thank you Michael, I appreciate that very much! I am doing very well, as are we all. Feyma and Aaron are in Alaska and have nearly finished their work contract, they will be moving on to some other work soon, but will be back here probably Sept or Oct. Jared is in Memphis, TN right now and getting his first taste of work, he got a job at McDonald’s. Glad everything is good for you too.
Nice read, Bob. And good to know you are doing well! My doctor also prescribed statin (cant remember exact brand name now) 3 months ago but i decided not to primarily because of stories i hear from people who quit the meds. I went on diet, my cholesterol is now better from 3 months ago. Regards.
I hear a lot of bad stories about statins too, Ed. I went ahead and took them for a year or so, but decided it was not for me. We will see how things go. I will be monitoring my cholesterol to see what happens, but I don’t expect anything bad. Good luck to you!
Thanks, Bob. I consulted a dietician to guide me and so far it’s working for me. It will be different from one person to another so i like to emphasize to those who may read this exchange that it is best to consult a professional doctor before stopping or starting anything. Then the patient has the right to choose what is best for him, as guided by his doctor.
Absolutely my thoughts, Ed.
Thank you for this Bob. I am enlightened
Hi Vi – Glad that you read! Hope you are doing well.
Bob Martin i am ok, thank you. I always read your articles and Aaron’s too. I gained much insights
Thank you for that. By the way, I saw that you are coming to Davao soon. Hope I can see you while you’re in town.
i use Lipitor, it has many less harmful side effects then crestor, ask your doctor about it ^^
Thanks for the suggestion Jayden, but I just don’t want to use any Statin at all. The only side effect that I really personally had was making it difficult to achieve ketosis, so I don’t want to take any stand at all. I don’t feel it’s necessary. Thank you though.
Statins also negatively affect the user’s mental health especially with regards to memory and focus. The lipid hypothesis behind this has been shown to be bogus.