I didn’t know there is such a thing as Type 3 Diabetes!
Actually, I may have gone too far with that statement. I don’t think that there is officially a Type 3 Diabetes yet, but a LOT of doctors are now convinced that there is actually a 3rd type of diabetes!
Type 1 Diabetes is Juvenile onset diabetes. It strikes when people are kids.
Type 2 Diabetes is adult-onset diabetes, which primarily starts during adult years, although it is starting to strike people at younger ages too.
Type 3 Diabetes, if it is ever officially designated as so, could be considered an Elder onset disease! You actually already know about it but by a different name. The name that most people know it as is Alzheimer’s Disease!
That’s right, a lot of research in recent years is indicating that Alzheimer’s is actually caused by high blood sugar!
About 6 months or so ago, I saw a report on 60 Minutes about Alzheimer’s Disease. They did some research in a small town in South America, I think it was in Colombia, as I recall, where certain families had a huge epidemic of Alzheimer’s in the family, much more than other families. In fact, they isolated a gene in these families, and if any person has this gene, there is a 100% chance that they will be hit with Alzheimer’s, and usually at a very young age, like in the 30s or 40s. As they described the research on the 60 Minutes segment, I was thinking that it sounded like diabetes to me, but I dismissed that thought because it was never mentioned in the program.
Over the weekend, though, I was watching a movie in which they described Type 3 Diabetes, and then told that they were talking about Alzheimer’s, so I started looking into it. Frankly, it does not surprise me, given what I saw on TV some months back.
Here is a clip from the movie that I watched, where they are talking about Type 3 Diabetes.
One of the doctors that I really like to follow online is Dr. Mark Hyman. Here is a video where he talks about Alzheimer’s and how it is starting to be called Type 3 Diabetes.
This information is not limited to Dr. Hyman either! In fact, there are lots of sources of this theory of Type 3 Diabetes, and how sugar in the brain leads to Alzheimer’s.
This article from Diabetes.co.uk talks about how people with Insulin Resistance have a much higher risk of Alzheimer’s. Insulin Resistance is also the root cause of Type 2 Diabetes.
Here is another article, from DLife, a Diabetes website in which they talk about Diabetes Type 3, and Alzheimer’s.
In the past, I have heard doctors talk about or write about how Fasting can help prevent Alzheimer’s Disease. I know that fasting does heal a lot of ailments. Now, if Alzheimer’s is really a diabetes type sickness, I really understand why fasting would be very beneficial. Exercise too!
A combination of good diet, exercise, and fasting might just stop you from ever getting Alzheimer’s Disease, or as it may become known as, Type 3 Diabetes.
I found this information fascinating when I learned about it just over this weekend.
Very interesting about Type 3 diabetes. I had never heard of it. Dr. Hyman video informative as well.
I also had never heard of it until I saw the movie, Mike. Very interesting, though. Dr. Hyman is a good guy to follow, he has lots of great info.