On Tuesday, I posted a video about whether Fasting is Extreme or not.
One of the comments that were left was talking about how fasting could possibly end up leading to Anorexia.
At first this comment kind of offended me, but upon reflection, I realized that I should not feel offended, and I changed my attitude.
I researched into the causes of Anorexia, and I just don’t see myself ever being anorexic.
I made a video about my thoughts on this subject, why not give it a look:
Dr. Fung, in my view the world’s leading expert on the subject of fasting for medical reasons, often makes a statement on the subject of anorexia. Apparently, he has also heard from people saying that fasting will cause anorexia. Dr. Fung says:
Saying that Fasting will lead to anorexia is like saying that washing your hands will lead to OCD.
I agree with Dr. Fung on this. And… I don’t see myself ever becoming anorexic. I like eating too much!
You are correct Bob. Anorexia is a mental illness nothing to do with dieting or fasting.
I agree Trevor.