I am Jared Isaac Martin. I was born in Vancouver, Washington on March 27, 2000, so I am currently 17 years of age. I am 6 feet, 3 inches (190.5 cm) tall and I weigh 255 lbs (115 kg.) Right now, my BMI (Body Mass Index) is 31.9 which means I am obese and my goal is to get my weight down to around 180 lbs which would make my BMI 22.5 which is healthy. Even though I am kind of an athletic guy that loves to play basketball a lot, I’ve always been obese pretty much since I was born. I never really took my weight seriously until a few years ago. I used to just eat whatever I wanted to whenever I wanted to.
In the past few years, I have been trying so many diets. I was also exercising a lot while I was trying out all these different kinds of diets. The different diets that I had tried were the Military Diet, “No Rice” Diet, and I also tried skipping dinner. The Military Diet is basically a 3-day low-calorie weight loss diet that is said to help you lose up to 10 pounds in a week and it is pretty hard to do. The “No Rice” diet is just basically not eating rice which is pretty hard to do as a Filipino that loves to eat lots and lots of rice. Lastly, the skipping dinner is pretty self-explanatory. I thought I was gonna be seeing good results but sadly I did not. I guess those kinds of diets just was not meant to be for me. Like what some people say, a specific diet does not work for everyone.
About 5 to 6 months ago, my dad, Bob Martin, introduced me to a diet that he has been doing for some time which is called the Keto Diet or Ketogenic Diet. I saw that he was getting some good results with it so I asked him about the keto diet. He told me that you had to eat a lot of fat and a lot of meat. You also had to eat less than 20 grams of carbohydrates a day. I did not really believe what he was saying at first because it did not really make any sense to me that you had to eat a lot of fat to lose fat. But I gave it a try anyway.
I was in the school at the time so it was kind of hard to start the keto diet cause almost everything that was served in school I could not eat. I would sometimes just tell myself, “I should just start tomorrow instead” and I would start to eat a lot of stuff that I should not be eating. So it took me a really long time before I was in ketosis. I was so close to giving up so many times but I did not give up. After a month of trying, I was finally in ketosis.
After being in ketosis for a few weeks, I noticed that I was not really hungry most of the time and I lost weight almost every day. It made me excited to wake up the next day so that I can hop on the weighing scale and check how much weight I lost. It was like my body turned into a fat-burning machine. There is only one thing I hate about being in ketosis. My dad and I call it the “Keto Breath” which one side effect of being in ketosis.
I like to ask people, when they lose “weight” is where it goes. It turns out one tends to urinate more as a byproduct. Fat turns into pee? No, it’s just a result of kidneys flushing the system when energy is used, more so on ketosis. Where it really goes is, you guessed it! Its vaporized and goes out your mouth. Welcome to the weight loss world J.
Hey Philip, thanks for welcoming me to the Weight loss world! ๐
Nice write up Jared!
Thanks, Resh!
Jared its good that you are aware how important it is to be the correct weight. The Ketogenic diet is a very difficult diet to follow especially for a young guy. There are a few diets that actually work, the Paleo diet gives you more freedom and it works well. Also the HFLC diet is similar to the Keto diet and works, another good diet is the Plant Based diet 90% plant based veggies fruit etc, 10% animal based. Good luck…..
Hey Trevor, thanks for the comment. Yeah, the Ketogenic diet really is difficult to follow but once you get used to it, it won’t really be a problem. I don’t really know much about the Paleo and the HFLC diet so I think i’ll stick with the Ketogenic diet. ๐